Ex Tax: $19.95
MangeHot SpotsFlea & Insect bitesItching, Redness & SwellingSafe, gentle & non-stinging.ABOUT PRODUCT:Cats n Mites is a specifically formulated product for cats and kittens with problem skin. The spray helps to heal hot s..
$19.95 Ex Tax: $19.95
Ex Tax: $24.95
Specifically developed for care of cats and kittens with otomycosis (otitis) - infection of ear canal, caused by demodex (mange mites), bacterial or fungal infections. The Ear Drops fortified with miticide and fungicide oils to provide fast, safe a..
$24.95 Ex Tax: $24.95
Ex Tax: $39.99
Concentrated complex of natural oils specifically formulated for Scalp Demodicosis.Leave On product utilizes absolute highest quality ingredients to create the best quality product. While targeting the causes of Demodicosis, controll..
$39.99 Ex Tax: $39.99